The Refugee Council for Lower Saxony stands for an equal society and protection of all refugees.
The intention of the IQ Subproject „Focus Migration“ of the Refugee Council for Lower Saxony is to support particularly women refugees
with their new lives in Germany. Qualification and knowledge are important conditions for an independent and self-determined life.
The Asylum Procedures – Important Information for Female Refugees
What Can I Do In Case of Violence Against Me or My Children?
Seperation? Divorce?
Health and Diseases
Working in Germany
Where Can I Meet Other Women?
Broshure, flyer, literature
The current impression of a refugee is predominantly male, although almost one third of refugees in Germany are women. During the migration process, women are increasingly affected by violent experiences, sexual assaults, traumatisation and physical separation from their families. Many women are leaving their countries because of gender-specific persecutions. Unfortunately, multiple discrimination and violent experiences do not stop at any border. Even in Germany, the women are exposed to violence and discrimination. That is why it is even more important for women to know their rights and to be
informed where they can seek the necessary support.
We offer:
Contact: Vivien Hellwig, Flüchtlingsrat Niedersachen e.V. (Refugee Council for Lower Saxony) Röpkestraße 12 30173 Hannover Phone: +49 (0)511/98 24 60 30 Extension: +49 (0)511/85 03 34 90 E-Mail: |
The Asylum Procedures – Important Information for Female Refugees
Contact a local counselling centre. The counselling centres can be found here | Introductary Information for Asylumseekers 5th Edition 12/2015
The most important part of the asylum procedure is the interview. It is often hard to talk about the reasons of fleeing. But even if it hurts and feels uncomfortable, it is important that you report about all your reasons.
- You can request that your statement is not forwarded to a third person – not even to your family members!
- Before the interview or hearing at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), it is helpful to visit a counselling centre. In the
counselling session, you can prepare yourself for the interview. - You can choose to be accompanied by an assistant at the hearing at the BAMF.
- You have the right to submit the request for asylum for yourself, for your own reasons – even if you have fled your country together with
your family. In case of the mutual application for the asylum, you will be heard alone. - You can request to be heard by a woman and to have a female interpreter at the hearing.
A gender-specific persecution can be a reason for the positive outcome of your application. Cases of family violence and force can also be a reason for asylum granting.
Pregnant women, single parents with children under the age of 18 years, persons that have suffered tortures, rape or other extreme forms of physical, emotional or sexual violence are entitled to special targeted
support. (Unaccompanied) children under the age of 18, disabled and elderly persons can also request targeted support (EU-Directions 2013/33/EU und 20011/95/EU)
What Are the Legal Rights of My Children?
- After being allocated to a municipality, your children who have reached the age of 1, have the right to a place in a day care. After the 3rd year your kids are entitled to a place in a kindergarten.
- Every child – boy or girl – after the age of 6, has the right and the obligation to go to school.
- You can request help with childcare and free time activities for your children. Single mothers or fathers can seek additional help.
Contact a local counselling centre. The counselling centres can be found here.
Informationen for parents
For additional information contact the MigrantParentsNetwork for Lower Saxony (MEN):
The MEN provides videos about the school-system in Lower Saxony, childcare and other topics in english.
What Can I Do In Case of Violence Against Me or My Children?
- No act of violence should be committed against anyone – regardless if you are a man, a woman or a child. No one should be forced to sexual intercourse.
- Violence in the shelter, marriage, family or between friends is forbidden. Violence at work or in public is forbidden.
- Genital mutilation of women and girls is prosecuted and punished in Germany.
- No one can force a woman, a man or a child into prostitution!
You can get help here:
free, anonymous, in many languages
Nothing is shared with anyone else, you do not have to say your name and nothing will happen without your approval. The persons on the phone speak many languages. There are also support shelters for maltreated women.
- Beratung zu Häuslicher Gewalt in Flüchtlingsheimen von Kargah e.V. mit mehrsprachigen Flyern
- Frauenhäuser zum Schutz für Frauen in Niedersachsen und Deutschland
- Adressen von Autonomen Frauenhäuser
- Schutz des Kindes vor Gewalt Adress in Lower Saxony
Are You In a Forced Marriage?
- In Germany, there is no obligation to a forced marriage
- You do not have to marry anyone if you do not want to.
- Are you not allowed to choose when and whom you marry?
- Do you wish to end your marriage, but you do not know how?
You can get help here:
The Lower Saxony crisis support line AGAINST forced marriage: 0800/0 667 888 (free, anonymous) German and Turkish, if required also Persian, Arabic and Kurdish.
The Lower Saxony crisis support line AGAINST forced marriage
Seperation? Divorce?
With Permit of Residence:
What Happens With My Permit of Residence in Case of a Separation?
If you personally got the refugee protection, you hold the permit of residence yourself, independently from your spouse. The fact whether you live together or separately does not matter for the permit of residence. Further, relatives of people with recognized refugee status often get their own independent right of residence based on the family asylum.
Did You Come to Germany on Your Husbands Permit and Now Want to Get Separated?
Basically, the spouse that migrated later on – male or female – gets his/her own permit of residence after separation if they were married and lived together for at least three years. If the spouses separate before the three year period, the personal permit of residence can be granted for serious reasons only. For example, some of the reasons can be that you and your children are experiencing domestic violence, or that as a divorced woman you could expect prosecution back in your country of origin.
Contact a local counselling centre. The counselling centres can be found here.
Health and Diseases
- In case of emergency, you always have the right to be cared by a female or male physician – even without documents. Emergency number: 112.
- You have the right to a medical treatment in case of physical or mental illness. Your social workers – also male or female – can help you to find the physician. Extra services have to bes applied for separately.
- If you don’t have residence documents, you can get help here:
Medinetz Hannover or with the Malteser Migranten Medizin Hannover , 0511/169 54 30 - In case of traumatisation, you can contact the Network for traumatised refugees for Lower Saxony:, 0511/ 856 44 510
- Als Schwangere brauchen Sie besonderen Schutz. Fragen Sie nach Unterstützung für eine eigene Wohnung und Versorgung.
- Während der Schwangerschaft und danach haben Sie ein Recht auf besondere medizinische Versorgung. Vor und nach der Geburt haben Sie Recht auf Hilfe durch eine Hebamme.
- Pregnant women need extra protection. Ask for support and adequate accommodation and care.
- During and after the pregnancy you are entitled to special medical care. Before and after the birth, you have the right to assistance of a midwife.
You are pregnant and have questions? Do you have problems or fears regarding your pregnancy?
The Federal Government helpline „Pregnant Women in Need“: 0800/40 40 020
(free, anonymous, in many languages)
Pregnant Women in Need
Same Sex Relationships and Transgender People
- In Germany it is allowed to enter a relationship with a person of the same sex.
- Cases of serious prosecution due to homosexuality are particularly considered during the asylum procedure.
Are you discriminated because of your sexuality? Do you need further support as a homosexual or transsexual person?
You can get support here:
Queer Refugees Niedersachsen |
Queer Refugees Bundesweit (LSVD) |
Working in Germany
- It is important to attend a language course. German skills will be helpful for your work, education or studies. Language courses in Lower Saxony are listed here:
- During the asylum procedure or if you have a ”Duldung”, you are only allowed to work with the approval of the foreigners authority.
- You do not need your husband’s permission to work.
- Women can have their ownb bank account, just like men.
Have you completed vocational training abroad?
You can have your qualifications recognized in Germany. Beratungsstellen zur Anerkennung ausländischer Berufabschlüsse
Have you studied at a university back in your country of origin? Do ysou want to continue or did you have to interrupt your studies?
There are possibilities to attend universities in Germany. Information: Studying in Lower Saxony or Working in Lower Saxony
You can work in Germany even if you have no education. There are counselling centres, where you can get help finding a job or an apprenticeship. If you do not have a school diploma, you can attend a school or a course to earn one. Contact a local counselling centre. The counselling centres can be found here:
If you work, you have the right to a salary and protection at work – even without a written employment contract:
Where Can I Meet Other Women?
In Germany, there are places only for women. There are also courses or sport programs exclusively for women. There you can meet and talk to other women.
Ask for a local café or neighbourhood meeting place for women.
Frauenberatung SUANA
Counselling centre and meeting place for women at Kargah e.V.
Flüchtlingsprojekt SINA
Counselling centre for refugee women
Das Frauenprojekt Kore
Counselling centre for women* and girls*
Open café for refugee girls* & women*
Das Weststadtzentrum
Breakfast for women, vocational guidance, open café for women
Exil – Osnabrücker Zentrum für Flüchtlinge e.V.
International women’s group, open café for women
Haus der Kulturen
Breakfast for women, sewing group, language course
Salawo (AWO Wolfenbüttel)
Counselling centre, language course with childcare, cooking group, sewing group
Self-organized groups
There are also women groups for refugee women, held by refugee women themselves. They are engaged in activities to improve lives of displaced women here and in other countries, for example, Women in
Exile or international women‘s space. Information:
woman in exile
international women‘s space Berlin
Pleas contact us, if your offer should be found here: vh[at]
Broshure, flyer, literature
Flyer | Infohefte vom Flüchtlingsrat Niedersachsen e.V. | IQ Projekt „Fokus Flucht“
Kenne deine Rechte! – Informationen für weibliche Geflüchtete | Niedersachsen
Das kleine Infoheft richtet sich an geflüchtete Frauen in Niedersachsen. Es gibt erste Informationen über die Rechte als Frau in Deutschland zum Thema Asyl, Familie, Bildung, Arbeit, Gewalt und Austausch. Es wird thematisch auf Beratungsstellen und Hilfe-Telefone in Niedersachsen verwiesen. Die Broschüre ist in den Sprachen Arabisch, Farsi, Englisch, Französisch und Russisch erhältlich.
16 Seiten, A5 | Deutsch | pdf (4,7 MB) |
Arabisch | pdf (2,7 MB) | |
Farsi | pdf (2,7 MB) | |
Englisch | pdf (2,7 MB) | |
Französisch | pdf (2,7 MB) | |
Russisch | pdf (2,7 MB) |
Kostenlos bestellbar unter:
Vivien Hellwig
Flüchtlingsrat Niedersachsen e.V.
Röpkestraße 12; 30173 Hannover
Tel.: +49 (0)511/98 24 60 30 | Durchwahl: +49 (0)511/85 03 34 90
E-Mail: vh[at]
Kenne deine Rechte! – Informationen für weibliche Geflüchtete |Bundesweit – nur als pdf
Das kleine Infoheft richtet sich an geflüchtete Frauen. Es gibt erste Informationen über die Rechte als Frau in Deutschland zum Thema Asyl, Familie, Bildung, Arbeit, Gewalt und Austausch. Es wird thematisch auf Beratungsstellen und Hilfe-Telefone verwiesen. Kontaktadressen für die jeweiligen Bundesländer/Regionen können in freie Felder eingetragen werden. Das Infoheft ist in den Sprachen Deutsch, Arabisch, Farsi, Englisch, Französisch und Russisch erhältlich.
16 Seiten, A5, deutsch | Das Heft als pdf (4,7 MB)
Für einen Nachdruck der bundesweiten Broschüre wenden Sie sich bitte an:
Vivien Hellwig
Flüchtlingsrat Niedersachsen e.V.
Röpkestraße 12; 30173 Hannover
Tel.: +49 (0)511/98 24 60 30 | Durchwahl: +49 (0)511/85 03 34 90
E-Mail: vh[at]
Haben Sie Handreichungen/Informationsmaterial für geflüchtete Frauen und möchten, dass es auf der Internetseite verlinkt wird?
Schreiben Sie bitte eine E-Mail mit den relevanten Informationen und Ihrer Internetseite oder Telefonnummer an: vh[at]
Handreichungen Unterstützung von LSBTTI Flüchtlinge vom LSVD
Zülfukar Çetin | Savaş Taş (Hg.):
Gespräche über Rassismus – Perspektiven und Widerstände
ISBN 978-3-9817227-1-0
März 2015
Perspektiven Schwarzer Bewegung in Deutschland
ISBN 9783944666235
Berlin 2016
Peggy Piesche (Hg.)
Euer Schweigen schützt Euch nicht: Audre Lorde und die Schwarze Frauenbewegung in Deutschland
ISBN 3936937958, 9783936937954
Berlin 2012
Grada Kilomba
Plantation Memories
Episodes of Everyday Racism – Kurzgeschichten in englischer Sprache
ISBN 978-3-89771-485-4
Oktober 2016
Fatima El-Tayeb
Anders Europäisch
Rassismus, Identität und Widerstand im vereinten Europa
ISBN 978-3-89771-583-7
September 2015
Katharina Oguntoye, May Ayim, Dagmar Schultz (Hg.)
Farbe bekennen. Afro-deutsche Frauen auf den Spuren ihrer Geschichte
ISBN-10: 3922166210
Dezember 1995
Hansjörg Dilger and Kristina Dohrn (eds.) in Collaboration with International Women Space
Living in Refugee Camps in Berlin: Women’s Perspectives and Experiences
ISBN 978-3-89998-242-8
Berlin 2016
International Women Space (IWS)
In our own words. Refugee Women in Germany tell their stories.
In unseren eigenen Worten. Geflüchtete Frauen in Deutschland erzählen von ihren Erfahrungen.; Berlin 2015
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