Jahrestreffen des „German Sudanese Association for Development“ am 08.09.2012 in Hildesheim

++++ Invitation to the Annual Meeting of the German Sudanese Association for Development +++++

Date: 8.9.2012

Place: Trillke Gut, Steinbergstr. 42, 31139 Hildesheim

One year ago Sudanese refugees and students from Hildesheim and Jena startet an association to support human rights work in Sudan. At it´s first birthday this special association invites everybody who is interested to come to the Trillke Gut in Hildesheim for presentations and discussions about the current situation in Sudan and about developmental and asylum politics. In the evening we will have party and concert together!

Follow the update for the program on Homepage and Facebook
++++ PROGRAME ++++

10h welcome and opening

10.30h violence and non-violence in Sudan (Maissara M. Saeed, German Sudanese Association)

11.30h human.rights.possibilities (Christian Cray, Association for Development Policy NI)

12.30h Sudanese Lunch

14h Acting between Governments and Communities (Andreas Wagner, University of Hildesheim)

15h Discussing Critical Whiteness (Dr. Yoko Arisaka, University of Hildesheim)

16h Benefits of working in Association and Roof-Association (Abayomi Bankole, African Roof Organization North)

19h Sudanese dinner

21h Concert and Party – Abbass Anoor Hip-Hop (Sudan) + DJ Set

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