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4 Gedanken zu „Schrifltiche Frage_Nr 7-50_Familiennachzug Äthiopien“

  1. I am her in Germany for the last 3 years as nurse and I have applied to join with my families in february 2016 and the Embassy was closed for long time and agsin I have booked for visa dnovember 2017 upto know I do not have primary termin to find the Germany embasdy yet ,.
    My kids are sick of depression and I submitted heakrh certificate but answer its painfull at all.

  2. unglaublich nach wieviel monate wartung meine frau ist endlich in deutschland
    es ist nicht fair so lange warten mussen wirklich got wird dennen bestrafen für alle was sie einen famillien an tun

  3. we the black Africans are calculately discriminated in the Germany embassy specially in family reunion cases,I have waited since 2016 up to now and I brouht all decuments marrage and kids certifcate from my homeland forign affair, as usual the embassy in Addis Abeba is refused to grant a visa to my families.Why Germany government is gave us fake political asylem to all Africans?
    It is heart breaking cases to rule the innocent kids making them orphans and the father appart it brutal or barbaric ever seen my life.
    Germany gave us a political asylem becaus of short of working youths not because of humaniterian maters.
    Germany government broke our family bond.
    Germany law are terorised defendless kids in the refugees comp.


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